To all at Rainbow Sugarcraft - especially Jamie. Just wanted to say a huge "thank you" for your help in getting me the masses of "stuff" I ordered to make my sister's wedding cake, for getting it all to me on-time and for your help and advice along the way. I love baking, but am by no means any kind of expert, so making something so important was a bit of a challenge (as was the 8 hour journey, by car-train-car.) It won't measure up to the fantastic confections pictured on your web-site, but here's a a photo of the finished article.
The hotel managed to lose the sugar spray (genius), so I've just been onto your site to order a replacement. I also managed to drum-up another order for you at the wedding. One of the other guests happened to mention (as you do) that he was trying to find a Champagne Sabre, so I was able to direct him to you since I'd seen one on your site whilst I was looking at the cake knives. Anyhow, thanks again, for a truly one-stop shop for all my cake making needs and for that most rare of things... proper old-fashioned good personal service. Jamie, you're a star.